Saturday, October 25, 2014

How To Set The Queue Where A MapReduce Task Or Hive Task To Run

There is always a need for us to specify the queue for our MR or hive task. Here's the way:

An example for MapReduce task:
hadoop jar $HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.2.0.jar pi 10 10000

For Hive Task, inserting the following code before invoking the real HQL task:

To generalize it, we can safely conclude that most of Hadoop or Hive configurations can be set in the upper forms respectively. What the 'most' means here is that some configurations cannot be revised during runtime, or being stated as 'final'.

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  1. When I set the queue : set; and run the job. Its throwing the following error. Do you have an idea? It's not allowing me to set the queue.

    Failed to run job : Application application_1465873717267_0011 submitted by user root to unknown queue: long_running

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  3. Check whether you have queue named long_running defined? If your hive session is running in TEZ .. use set

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